A Directory Listing of Horse Service Providers around Australia

ASFA (Accredited Saddle Fitters of Australasia) is Australasia's leading independent Institution for Saddle Fitting Accreditation. ASFA achieves this through thorough initial and ongoing training of ASFA Accredited Saddle Fitters to ensure compliance to strict saddle fitting principals. ASFA Saddle Fitting standards are derived from 100 years practical experience drawn from The Society of UK Master Saddlers and leading USA Veterinarians combined with scientific methodology. The ASFA Saddle Fitting Accreditation is also proudly endorsed by the Australian Veterinary Chiropractic Association
The Primary aim of ASFA is to deliver the ultimate saddle fit for both horse and rider. ASFA also aims to educate on why you should have a regular Saddle Fit, explain The ASFA 15 Saddle Fit Checks to help you identify when you are due for a saddle fit and to provide you with easy access to find your local ASFA Accredited Saddle Fitter who can also refer you to other specialists where the issue is not due to saddle fit.
Dr Ian Bidstrup BVetSc(Hons)(Melb), MACVSc(Equine Medicine) Cert. Vet. Acupuncture (IVAS)(USA) Cert. Vet. Chiro.(AVCA)(USA) Master of Chiropractic Sc.(Animal Chiropractic) RMIT University, Master Saddle Fitter, Course Editor and Course Lecturer, Examiner.
Rob McCann, Master Saddle Fitter, Course Editor, Examiner and Course Lecturer, Member of Society of Master Saddlers (UK).
David Jones-Parry, Master Saddle Fitter, Examiner and Course Lecturer, Member of Society of Master Saddlers (UK).
Tim Mills, LCGI (Hons), Member of Society of Master Saddlers (UK).
Dr Kerry Ridgeway, DVM, Cert Vet Chiro, Vet Acupuncture, Equisport Centre for Therapeutic Options, Sonoma, California. Dr Ridgeway has written a book titled "Saddle Fitting from A to Z: The Most Comprehensive Saddle Fitting Guide".
Dr Joyce Harman, Harmany Veterinary Clinic, Washington, Virginia.Dr Joyce Harman has written two books on saddle fit, The Horse’s Pain Free Back, The Western Horse's Pain-Free Back and Saddle-Fit Book
The Australian Veterinary Chiropractic Association for accrediting the course. It is a major accolade to have the Association’s stamp of approval
The ASFA 15 Point Saddle Fit Checks
5 Horse Behavioural Checks
Does he wince when you touch his back, or try to kick, bite or is generally not happy when you groom him or saddle him up?
Is he cold backed when mounted?
Does he generally resist your aids or does he go with False Collection?
Does he have muscle loss, dry spots, broken or white hairs?
Is he difficult to shoe or resists raising his legs?
5 Saddle Checks
Does your saddle tip you off balance either forwards, backwards or to one side or does the saddle just not feel right?
Is there less than 2 fingers clearance along saddle panels to his spine?
Does the saddle seem to have uneven pressure through the panels down behind your horse's shoulder or along his back?
Is your saddle new and has not been fitted?
Has it been more than 6 months since your last Saddle Fit?
5 General Checks
Has your horse recently come into work?
Has your horse's diet recently changed?
Has your horse recently recovered/recovering from an injury or illness?
Is your horse new?
Are you sharing a saddle with other horses?
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