A Directory Listing of Horse Service Providers around Australia


Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) is a special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association. EVA is the representative body for equine veterinarians in Australia, offering membership to veterinarians who treat horses as part of their practice. EVA was formed in 1971 and presently has 1,000 members in Australia, New Zealand, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA and South Africa.
EVA services the needs of these members and also acts as a representative body for the interests of equine veterinarians within the Australian horse industry. EVA also advises upon horse health issues as an active stakeholder in the equine industry.
The key objectives of EVA are to elevate equine veterinary standards, further research and knowledge of equine diseases, deliver postgraduate equine veterinary continuing professional development and to promote its members as providers of the very best quality care for their equine patients.
You must be a member of the Australian Veterinary Association to join EVA. You can opt to join EVA on your AVA membership application form, add EVA to your subscription during your annual renewal, or contact EVA to join on 02 9431 5080 or
Visit Offical Site at
Membership Form
This application form is for veterinarians with a qualification recognised for registration in Australia, or for students enrolled in a recognised Australian University in Veterinary Science. If you do not fall into either category, please submit a query via
National Office
Unit 40, 6 Herbert Street
St Leonards NSW 2065
Phone 02 9431 5000
Facsimile 02 9437 9068
Office hours: 8.30am - 5.00pm (Mon-Fri)
Queensland Office
Garden City Office Park
Building 3, 2404 Logan Road
Eight Mile Plain QLD 4113
Phone 07 3422 5300
Facsimile 07 3423 1505
Victorian Office
Suite 1219, 401 Docklands Drive
Docklands VIC 3008
Phone 03 9600 2930
Facsimile 03 9600 2940
Australian Capital Territory Office
AMA House 42 Macquarie Street
Barton ACT 2600
Phone 02 6273 0064
Facsimile 02 6273 0237
South Australian and Northern Territory Office
13/70 Walkerville Terrace
Walkerville SA 5081
Phone 08 8344 6337
Facsimile 08 8344 9227
Western Australian Office
Unit 4, Level 1
22 Railway Road
Phone 08 9388 9600
Facsimile 08 9388 9688
Tasmanian Office
C/- 457 White Hills Road
Phone 0409 319 405
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