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What is Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy?

Pulse electromagnetic field therapy is the use electromagnetic fields in an attempt to heal non-union fractures and depression.

Pulse Electromagnetic Field therapy for horse tendon injury

Electromagnetic Field Therapy has been around since the 1940's, but there has been little understanding in how it actually works and what it does. In the 1940's, Nagelshmidt ( Nagelschmidt, K. F. (1940) Biological effects of high-frequency and magnetic fields.Nature 146, 590) suggested that its action was at the cellular level and now with newer instruments, this has been proven by research. Yes, thanks to modern technology it has been shown that damaged cells have a reduced negative charge, with subsequent effect on the flow of ions. This causes a build-up of fluid and prevents the normal cellular metabolism from taking place. In recent years other researchers have confirmed that pulsed electromagnetic fields can restore the ionic balance and even return the cell to its normal functions. The early uses for pulsed magnetic fields were mainly used as a treatment for fractures, to speed up the recovery time. The treatment attracts osteoblasts to the treatment sites. Osteoblast is a large cell responsible for the synthesis and mineralisation of bone during both initial bone formation and later bone remodelling. But the use of the therapy showed some unexpected results such as the purification of calcium salts are, hence bone crystals become stronger.

If you have used this particular therapy on your own horse, tell us your experience, what were the results for your horse after the therapy?

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