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What Is Equine Podiapheraphy

horse services directory australia.  Equine Podiotheraphy

Podiapheraphy deals with the rehabilitation of the hoof using natural methods.

Natural hoof care has risen from obscurity to a well respected and professional method of equine hoof care because it focuses on rehabilitative natural hoof care.

As new research into lameness, its causes and its treatments has developed, so has our understanding into the way the hoof and its internal components work together to create a strong unit for life.

Equine Podiotherapy focuses on specialist rehabilitative trimming based in an understanding of anatomy and aimed at re-establishing a physiologically correct and sound hoof. An Equine Podiotherapist is someone who has undertaken training in this field and gained a deep understanding of the latest research as it applies to hoof anatomy and how and why the hoof morphs into unnatural and unhealthy forms.

The Australian College of Equine Podiotherapy provides specialist training and a Diploma in Equine Podiotherapy. The course runs over two years of training before the Diploma is awarded.

A Podiotherapist’s task is to go deeper than simply surface maintenance trimming, they individualised rehabilitation strategies based on scientific research and the best natural hoof care practices.

Podiotherapists are also trained in the role of the hoof as it relates to equine biomechanics and and the musculo-skeletal system. Hoof issues can affect the entire horse which can often be seen as secondary musculo-skeletal issues and gait problems.

Find a qualified Podiapherapist near you by visiting the Barefoot Trimmers page on the Horse Services Directory

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